Thursday, May 19, 2011

"Garden Party" in MGA"s show Awakening on now!

Here is the finished product from my recent silk painting workshop. This was accomplished using dye and gutta. Sorry for the flash. You can see it now at 197 Main St. Unionville in the show "Awakening" at the McKay Gallery. I assisted with photographing the show to put onto the MGA website.
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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Art Auction Volunteer

Today is the Varley Fine Art Auction and I will be volunteering to help with the silent auction table for the first time. Several Unionville and area restaurants will be providing appetizers and desserts as well as wine for the occasion. It is the thirteenth year of this auction. More information can be found here:
Well it seemed to go off without a hitch.Lots of people were there including local artists and dignitaries. It was opened with a short speech by the Mayor and then on to the auction by about 7:30.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Silk Workshop Images

These photos are from the workshop I attended this past weekend on silk painting. Since it was my first silk workshop I did find it challenging getting used to the materials and procedures but the final product was thrilling to see.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Silk Painting

I am very excited about a new painting support and technique, at least to me that is. It is painting on silk with dyes. Here is a link to youtube which demonstrates this : I will be taking a workshop using this technique in the near future.

and here is another one: